Roshan's Space

'Around The World In Eighty Days'

I enjoyed this book because i thought it had alot of good twists and it was very interesting. I thought it was very good taking into consideration that it was written over 100 years ago.

'Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry'

I thought this was a good book as it gave me a better understanding of racial injustice against coloured people in America in the 30's.

'The Scarecrow'

I thought this was an alright book. I liked it but it wasn't a book that I would read twice. It had some dark and adult themes such as necrophilia so I would only recommend this to mature readers.

'Cat's Cradle'

I liked this book because I thought it had a good, interesting plot (the idea of Ice-Nine), that was quite different from the plots in the books I usually read.

'Go Ask Alice'

I liked this book as it was nearly always interesting. I liked the diary format. The book gave me a better insight into the world of drugs from the view of a teenager.